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Bothell High School

Alumni Association

Donations In Memory of...
Donations may be made in the memory of a deceased BHS alumni, teacher, or staff member.
Click on the Donate button to pay with PayPal. Then send an email through our Contact Us button to provide the information about who the donation is in memory of.

Scholarship donations
​Donations may be made to the scholarship fund, in which case
100% of the donation goes to scholarships.

General donations
The Association will determine the best use for the donation.

The Bothell High School Alumni Association is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization incorporated in 1994. All donations, including memberships, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.
Association's planned community donations
Each year, the Association makes donations to the Wall of Honor and the Bothell High PTA.
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